A Witch’s Guide to Autumn Equinox (Mabon)
Celebrate the Season!
September is here! Soon the Autumn Equinox (Mabon)…Fall will be upon us!
The leaves will begin their transition, turning glorious hues of red, gold, and orange. A crispness will fill the air and a sense of coziness will set in.
What is Autumn Equinox?
The Autumn Equinox, or Mabon also known as the Witches’ Thanksgiving, takes place in the Northern hemisphere sometime between September 21st and 23rd. This astronomical phenomenon where the sun crosses the celestial equator can vary slightly depending on your location. Here in the PNW where I live, this year's equinox falls on the 22nd.
It marks a time of balance when day and night are equal. As the sun's power wanes and winter approaches, days grow shorter, nights lengthen, and temperatures drop. Mabon is a season for balance, gratitude, and reflection. It’s a time of year to be thankful for the harvest while recognizing nature's transition into dormancy for winter. Regardless of what you call it, Mabon or Autumn Equinox; September, the harvest and the changing of the season has long been a celebrated and exhilarating time.
Celebrating the Autumn Equinox
Historically the Autumn Equinox was a time to celebrate the harvest and prepare for the cold winter months ahead. A feast was often prepared with harvested crops and livestock. In our modern times, the Autumn Equinox or fall, no longer centers on these traditions, but instead conjures ideas of pumpkins, apple picking and fall leaves. These days our harvesting consists mostly of foraging at local grocers and cafes for pumpkin spice lattes and bags of candy. Even though times have changed, there are many modern ways in which to celebrate Mabon (Autumn Equinox), while still connecting to our roots.
Check out the posts below for ideas on how you can celebrate the Autumn Equinox (Witches’ Thanksgiving).